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Sáb 09 Out 2010, 9:42 am
Creditos ao autor  Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 497938
E dnovo com preguiça de traduzir o tutorial

 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 111200235106stonemoss2

Step 1 : Ideally, you should create new sets to place the layers in, but since everyone doesn't have that capability, I'm doing this without the use of sets.
Working on the Moss pic as the background layer, duplicate it. This way you still have your original pic in case something goes wrong (which it does). After duplicating it, desaturate the layer which will remove all color tones and it will look like this.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200275930pic01 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280020pic02
Step 2 :In order to add the marble, you first must make a selection of the Moss pic. I like to use the pen tool to make certain selections (if you have a Wacom tablet, it makes this much easier).
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280115pic03
Step 3 :Once the path is closed, I save it in the path palette by double clicking it and renaming it. Once it's saved, and the path still selected in the palette, i continue to add to the path by drawing a path around the areas above the shoulders and inside the thumbs, so i have a complete path outlined of Kate and it should look like this with the path visible.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280213pic04
Step 4 : Once the path is done, import the marble pic (or just drag the background layer of the marble pic onto the Kate Moss pic) and place the layer above the desaturated layer. Create a layer mask on the marble, command click the saved path in the palette which makes a selection, inverse it, and fill with black and you get this:
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280329pic05
Step 5 :Change the layer mode of the marble to Multiply. Adjust the opacity of the layer till it looks right to you. In this case I set it to 87% and it now looks like this:
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280419pic06
Step 6 : It's getting there. It looks good now, but statues don't have real eyes. First, draw another path around her left eye excluding the eyelashes, and save the path (we'll use this path later). Next, create a new layer, use the clone tool and select an area of the marble as your source and clone it around the eye. You'll want to pick an area similar to one already around the eye.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280555pic07
Step 7 :To do the eye, command click the saved eye path which will make a selection. Next use the clone tool to clone an area of marble inside the selection.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280645pic08a
Step 8 :Next, with the area still selected, create an adjustment layer with the Hue, Saturation, Lightness. In this case, I selected colorized, set the hue to 27, saturation to 12 and Lightness to -21.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280738pic09
Step 9: To make the eye more three dimensional: With the eye still selected, create a new layer. Set the layer opacity to 65%. Using the gradient tool, set to black to transparent, drag the gradient tool from the top down about a third of the way. You do not want to drag it the entire length of the selection.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280822pic10
Step 10: With eye still selected keep using the gradient tool around the eye adding more shadow to it.
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200280954pic12
To make the right eye, just duplicate the layers for the right eye, link them together, and flip them horizontally and place them over her right eye. There is some fine tuning which needs to be done to complete the eyes totally. I painted in black around parts of the eye, lowered the layer opacity and applied a gaussian blur; used the burn tool on parts of the eyes to make them different along with cloning out a small part of the left eye. You'll want to try different things to get the eye the way you want it.

Step 11 : To finish the piece, create a new level adjustment and move it to the top of the other layers. Load the selection of the desaturated Kate Moss layer mask. This will kept the levels adjustment from affecting the background pic (which isn't in yet). Working on the new levels adjustment layer, adjust the levels to add more depth to the pic
 Criando uma estátua desde uma pessoa no Photoshop 113200281126pic13


Silver Member

Sex 15 Out 2010, 10:47 pm
muito bom vlw por compartilhar Valeu*-*

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