Seg 15 Nov 2010, 7:16 pm
First step: We take the image of the soldier and select all aroundusing the magnetic lasso tool (you can also use the lasso tool or penif you wish) and copy it into a document back to 500 x 600 pxbottomless. A call this layer the soldier.
Second step: create a new layer below the layer soldier and using the rectangle tool draw a rectangle with black paint.
StepThree: Insert the image of clouds in a new layer that will call backand located below the layer and delete the pigeons soldier with theclone stamp tool because we are going to need us. Should look like thepicture below.
StepFour: Duplicate the background layer. To do this go to Layer menu andclick on Duplicate Layer menu and then select Image> Adjustments>Black and White and play with the settings a bit. If you have PhotoshopCS3 you can desaturate the image.
Step Five: Now we change the background layer mode to Multiply
Step Six: Repeat from step four, but this time apply the technique to the soldier.
Step Eight:Create a new layer above all the others, using the brush in black withan opacity of between 40 and 60% started to paint the feet to the kneeto hide in the dark.
Ninth step:We’ll rain, create a new layer filled with white on the other layersand call it rain. Go to Filter> Noise> Add Noise and set a valueof 400% with Gaussian distribution.
Tenth step: In the Filter Menu> Blur> Motion Blur and adjust the angle to 75 degrees with a distance of 15 px.
Eleventh Step: Now go to Image> Adjustments> Levels and we like the picture.
Twelfth Step: Change the layer mode to Screen rain and give a 60% opacity
Thirteenth Step:Create a new layer and she wrote the title of the film, I use theImpact font to 36 pt and then adjust the size to myliking by going toSettings> Free Transform. Next apply a layer style.
First we will give a drop shadow.
Then gradient overlay.
Finally we add Stroke.
Fourteenth Step: Finallywe give the text a rain effect as we did before, but more intense, butin this time we will not use a new layer but a layer mask on the text.For the rain just follow the steps above, experiment and let the oneyou like.
The rest of the text you can add your own at home, without applying anyeffect, I use the font “Lucida Bright” at 18pt with light gray color #9f9f9f and if you want to put a few logos
for film producers to make it more real.
Another version, but with a helicopter included.