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Ter 24 maio 2011, 10:38 am
Conforme pedido do Tibirou irei postar alguns Tutoriais de Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D explosivos Efeitos tipográficas Final-pic1
In this tutorial I will walk through the steps I used to create this illustration to bring alive the word “collide.” While you may not find yourself needing to recreate the word “collide,” I hope you will find useful the techniques I will cover:
- extruding text in Cinema 4d
- using displacement maps in Cinema 4d
- using the explosion deformer in Cinema 4d
- exporting to photoshop from Cinema 4d
- unique color enhancing techniques in Photoshop
- various layer modes applied in Photoshop for great light effects
(A basic knowledge of Cinema 4d and Photoshop is required)

STEP 1: Creating 3d text

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I created a new document in C4d and added some text with the built in text tool.

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I typed the word COLLIDE in the Attributes manager.

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I applied Extrude Nurbs by making it a parent of my text.

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Parent/child relationship shown above in my Objects Manager.

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There’s a small problem at this point: The word “collide” is treated as one object and I want to manipulate the individual letters. In order to do that I need to Explode Segments from the Function menu.

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Now each part of each letter is broken into individual splines and I can extrude them separately as well as manipulate them.

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On a couple of the letters I need to Connect the inside spline and outside spline together. The “O” and the “D” need to be connected because they are 2 individual splines as a result of the Explode Segments function I applied. I selected the 2 splines and right clicked to pull up a menu. I chose Connect. Once I’ve connected them I am ready to extrude each individual letter and place them where I want in my composition.

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I have applied an Extrude nurbs to each letter now. See my object window for clarity.

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And now I’ve named each nurb so that I know what letter it is.

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Next I will click on each letter’s Extrude Nurbs and adjust the cap to be a Fillet Cap. I chose 3 Steps with a Radius of 3. This gives a nice looking edge to each letter.

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Next I selected each letter and changed it’s position and rotation into a random spot that I felt would work for this composition.

STEP TWO: Creating reflective material for my 3d text

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I created a new material that I will plan to tweak a bit later to get better results. But for now I know I will want to add reflection, environment, and a color.

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My reflection is set to 35% and I did the same for environment as well. These are just settings I am randomly choosing and require some tweaking as the project progresses.

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I added a light and and a sky to my scene.

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I created a material to apply to my sky. I used a picture of a sky. There is definitely a lot of experimenting that can be done with what you can place in the sky and how it will look in the reflections of the material on the text.

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I applied the new material to my sky and experimented with the Projection method. Cubic ended up being what I chose based on the way it looked as it reacted with my text.

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Here is the result of my sky being reflected on my text. You can load the same image of a sky into your reflection and environment materials but the results will look different than using a sky in c4d to be reflected. I’ve found that I have more control over the reflections this way. I can rotate the sky. I can change the projection method of the material on my sky. Ultimately, it allowed me to get the results I wanted with ease.

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My text material wasn’t quite colorful enough so I added a tint of blue to the original material.

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Here is the result of adding the tint of blue. Much better for what I am looking to accomplish.

STEP THREE: Using a displacement map to create my collision effect

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I copied several of my letter from the word “collide” and will apply a displacement map to those to create the collision.

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I copied my reflective material that I created for the word “collide” and then I checked the “displacement” box and loaded a texture. Cinema 4d has built in textures you can experiment with for the displacement. Usually something black and white will work best but it is not completely necessary. I chose “brick” from the preset surfaces. I’ve also used black and white jpegs of stripes or other patterns that I’ve created in Illustrator.

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Here you can see I set the Height to 500m and kept the strength at 100%. This is definitely a step that I could get lost in time experimenting with different heights, textures, and even projection methods for this material. Each tweak will give you amazing new results to choose from.

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Here is the result of my current settings on the displacement material.

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Sáb 02 Jul 2011, 1:34 am
q massa vlwwwwww

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