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Dom 21 Nov 2010, 10:07 am
<blockquote class="postcontent restore ">
Glass Sphere

Level: [TUT] - Glass Sphere  21gr

Author: effectica

Learn how to make a glass sphere such as this one.

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  009

[Break= Steps 1 - 4]
1) Open a new document, 400x400 with white background.

2) Create a new layer and select the eleptical marquee tool

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  Menu001

3) On the layer you have just created, keep the SHIFT key (on the keyboard) pressed and drag the mouse to draw a perfect circle.

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  Marquee002

4) Set the forecolour to #FFBA00.

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  Forecolour
[Break= Steps 5 & 7]
5) Select the FILL tool and fill the circle you have just drawn

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  Menu003

6) Open the layer effects window ( from the top menu select Layer > layer style > blending options) and set the following properties:

Drop shadow:
Opacity 87%

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  004

Inner Glow:
Blend Mode : Normal
Opacity: 100%
Colour: #865C00

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  005

Gradient Overlay:
Blend Mode: Overlay

Top colour: #5E4006
Bottom colour: #FFBA00

Scale: 50%

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  006

7)Create a new layer and select the eliptical marquee tool again, but this time draw an elipse like this:

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  007
[Break= Steps 8 - 11]
8) Select the gradient fill tool

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  008

9) Now on the top of the window u should see these tools:

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  G1

Press where the red arrow is pointing

10) A window should open like this :

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  G2

Click on each little arrow that the blu arrows are pointing to and set its colour to white.
Click on the little arrow the red arrow is pointing to and set opacity to 0

11) With the gradient tool now u can draw the glass reflex in this manner

[TUT] - Glass Sphere  009</blockquote>

2F i g h t ™ 


Seg 25 Abr 2011, 12:15 pm
Vlw Por Compartilhar.. :emo:


Bronze Member

Sex 13 maio 2011, 6:44 pm
Vlw por compartilhar '-'


Gold Member

Dom 15 maio 2011, 11:56 pm
Obg por compatilhar. ;)


Silver Member

Seg 16 maio 2011, 12:03 am
Obg por compartilhar ;)

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